Charter and Business Plan

Business plan defines the strategic areas of development of the Private Join Stock Commercial Bank “Ravnaq bank” ( hereinafter “the Bank”) for 2018, defines the aims and tasks, and is a conceptual basis for making decisions concerning perspective markets, products, structure, profits and risk profile of the Bank.

This Business Plan is a basis to carry out the dynamic activity of the Bank in the banking and financial sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Milestones for 2018.

As per forecast of the Bank, in 2018, the average growth of commercial banks will constitute at least 25 % (as per the results of the 9 months of 2017 in regard to similar period of 2016 the growth was 212%. The reason of a large increase of assets of commercial banks was at the expense of devaluation of the local currency). At that, the most significant increase will be observed in the group of small and private banks, where the growth rate will reach 35% or more per year.

The Bank intends in 2018 to create the necessary base for further ensuring of dynamic development and improving the competitive position in the banking services market. Based on its potential, as well as the intentions of its major shareholders and partners, in 2018, the Bank forecasts an increase in assets of at least 41%:

Target markets for commercial activities and their development.

In 2018, the Bank intends to develop three strategic areas of the banking business: corporate, commercial and retail. At the same time, the main emphasis will be placed on the development of corporate and commercial business as the basis for a quick and mini-costing directions for creating the necessary client base and ensuring stable sources of revenue. In 2018, the retail business will be seen as a complementary area of business, which should be developed according to market conditions.

Development guarantee of target markets of commercial activity

The main priorities for ensuring the development of the Bank’s commercial activity, as well as the creation of necessary basis for implementation of business plan, parameters, material and technical basis for further development are:

  • Development of the Bank's infrastructure

  • The expansion of the customer base

  • Collateral

  • Business management

  • Risk assessment and management

Based on the priority areas of development, as well based on the Bank's potential, the absolute financial indicators are expected to grow by the end of 2017:

  • Assets up to the level not less than  480 931.1 mln.UZS;

  • Capital up to the level not less than 111 493.6 mln.UZS;

  • Profit up to the level not less than  4 208.9 mln.UZS

  • Return of assets up to the level not less than   0.9%

  • Return on equity up to the level not less than   3.8%

Bank Charter

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